Hello, this is a interesting suggesting that I think could benefit createproxy.com.
I read a article showing how to create rotating proxies, with only 1 server instance. I'm not to good with the technicality of it all. Maybe developer can read this method and apply it here for us to use rotating ports! This is method was tested on AWS only.
Here is the method:
Let me know if this could possibly be added to the service, it would be nice and cheap as it only needs 1 instance.
Awesome! This question has already 5 answers..
Hello Bobby,
Thanks for your suggestion, someone may find this usefull, but this will not be implemented into CreateProxy.
Couple of month ago I have been working few weeks on Routers, that feature suppose to do authentications for members Proxies and main reason why this feature has been created was to hide Proxy behind router, probably I do not want share here reasons why..
But later I found, that it's slow so I decide to hide this Router Feature and I started over, the result is new Auth Management Tool, that members allow to create credentials and basically work with their Proxies Dynamically.
Thanks to this new approach I was able to rewrite completly Proxy Marketplace, because before this was possible only thanks to routers.
Basically this new approach help me handle Proxies better way and allow me to do things like LOGIN to use Proxies, not only Login by IP as this was required for Routers, also Routers could handle only HTTP Proxy Request.
So now I have created feature called Routers and Approach that let this Router use any of member Proxy, so I will be in upcomming weeks allow users to create router and use their Proxies via Router, this basically mean 1 Router Proxy access to all your Proxies, see this is basically what you suggesting, there can be randomization, so it will pick randomly one of your proxy for every single request... But still this is not rotating, this is approach to access all resources with one ip and perform request randomly with one of them.
To do Rotating I will basically need to Make new Tool, that wil remove and create proxies for any provider every defined time interval. And here we go, this is soluction that will be included in CreateProxy soon.
Basically It will not work for only Amazon, but for all providers including Merchant Servers.
But right now, I have to create some new tutorials, write some articles, do some explanation of everything, before I can start working on this. Thats why I wrote this article, because it will help me If someone do tutorials and stuff instead of me, so I can work on this new features.
hello, yes I have finished Routers today :-) So users may test this. And together with Automatization, its probably possible to automatically create / remove servers. Changing AWS instance IP (just by rebooting) is comming very soon.
Video will be published soon about just this new features.