So i heard from someone about this site. That he could create 1000's of proxies (IPV6)with Azure / AWS.
So i tried it out but nothing was working i could only get like 20 proxies. Then i saw the vid on the youtube channel about Linode.
So i bought Linode i added all settings but first i could not find the IPV6 Range but i saw in another question here that you can add it.
So i added the IPV6 range and pasted it. It made 500 proxies but they are not working. Just no connection at all only the 1 IPV4 proxy works.
I hope someone can help me resolve this because i bought AWS Azure Digital Ocean and now finally Linode and i really thought this would fix my issue.
Awesome! This question has already 3 answers..
Firstly all providers may limit you as they want and I can not do nothing about it.
Next, linode does not give any IPv6 range by default, you have to contact Linode support to assign you IPv6 range, then you can simply create server via merchant tools -> add server - so it can not be automated because of this.
And azure? There is only Ipv4 support. (For Linode Cloud tool due to request on support too..)