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Its problem, when you creating many proxies on single server (IPv6 Proxy generator), but few extra Proxy types on server does not mean any performance problem - so you should be ok with extra options. Also today I will create new Proxy List for merchant servers, So you will be allowed to download only HTTP Proxies from your server.
Ok Im done with improved Proxy List only for Merchant Proxies, so now you can download only Proxies that you want from all your servers.
Thanks for the reply.
Could you make it so I can delete non HTTP proxies too? I know it doesn’t make a difference on performance but I want to create 100 or so HTTP proxies so it will flood my dashboard with stuff I’m not interested in.
Would a custom template do it so I can just have IPv4 HTTP proxies?
Thank you!!
Its good idea to add button to delete proxies that you dont want. I may add this feature into And what do you say on improved Proxy List?